Life lessons

Those what if moments…

So we all have them—those what if moments. You’re nervous, anxious, worried because… what if?

I know sometimes these are big life changing what if scenarios, and sometimes they are little tiny things that we blow way out of proportion. I’ve spent countless hours analyzing and thinking out what if scenarios. And a whole lot more time on worst case what ifs, than best case what ifs.

I don’t know why it’s seems so natural to think the worst possible outcome of a given event. Maybe in some way we think that in doing so, it’ll make us feel better if things don’t work out perfectly?

And to be honest, sometimes I’m just so worn out from worrying about every possible outcome, that I don’t even want to go through with the very thing I over analyzed. I’ve either built it up so much in my head, or worse talked myself out of something that could have been great.

I do think it’s important to think things through, and pray. And there’s definitely that tipping point, when you know you’ve made a decision to do something. So know at that point, it’s better to embrace the decision and just do it. Stop wasting all those precious hours and days of your life continuing to worry that something won’t work out.

We’re going to have great outcomes, and not so great outcomes. We have to be willing to step out and have faith, because in the end, we’ll never get to these really great best case scenarios if we don’t even try.

Here’s to stepping out in faith!

With love,


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